Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


MATHEMATICAL MODELLING A ROUTE OF HYDROTRANSPORT BY MEANS OF PARABOLIC SPLINES Hasylo Yu.A., Levchuk K.O., Romaniuk R.Ja. Abstract One of dustiness sources on work stations is open transportation of loose materials (sand, cement and other dust materials) by means of carriers and conveyors, and also different cargo handling facilities and launders. The most reliable, simple in manufacturing and not demanding the big expenses is without a pressure hydraulic type of transport for disalignment of materials to a dry condition. At sampling of optimum values a slope and a contour to launder, flow rates, parametres of a route and other factors was possiblly dustiness decrease on work stations in transit loose materials with its help. Theoretical and experimental researches of disalignment materials with the help without pressure hydraulic transport were observed in many robots, but the theory disalignment of loose materials in a fluid stream to the present time is absent also sampling characteristics of a route, its contour, conditions of transportation, sites of slakers of speed and other parametres have no scientific substantiation. The work purpose is working out algorithm of mathematical modelling a route of hydrotransport which has a smooth contour and the minimum expenses of energy for a collision. Owing to technological habits the route of a launder hydrotransport of loose materials cannot be rectilinear on all length. The launder line consists of rectilinear sections which are bridged by slight curves. It is experimentally proved, that in places of the greatest curvature of a route owing to a collision of firm corpuscles in a following launder considerable energy is lost. For decrease in losses it is necessary to find a route profile, i.e. a contour which has the minimum curvature. For the solution this problem the method of modelling smooth contours is used by parabolic splines. The given method shows satisfactory results in cases, when difference of altitudes the small. If the required route is abrupt infringements of isogeometrical characteristics of parabolic splines are possible, i.e. the condition of monotony a spline is not satisfied. In these cases it is necessary to use apparatuses of modelling which keep geometrical characteristics of a contour, for example, splines in the form of beams. References [1] Kuprin A.I., Tihoncov A.M. Gidrotransport struzhki [Chip hydrotransport]. Moscow, 1978. 80 p. [2] Ogurcov A.P., Mamaev L.M., Kuprin A.I. Issledovanie parametrov transporta sypuchih materialov v otkrytom potoke zhidkosti [Exploration of parameters transport of loose materials in an open fluid stream]. Kiev, 1995. 505 p. [3] Gasilo Ju.A. 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Authors and Affiliations

Ю. А. Гасило, К. О. Левчук, Р. Я. Романюк


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  • EP ID EP294889
  • DOI 10.31319/2519-8106.1(38)2018.129010
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How To Cite

Ю. А. Гасило, К. О. Левчук, Р. Я. Романюк (2018). МАТЕМАТИЧНЕ МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ТРАСИ ГІДРОТРАНСПОРТУ ЗА ДОПОМОГОЮ ПАРАБОЛІЧНИХ СПЛАЙНІВ. Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 55-61. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-294889