Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF FORMING GAS-METALLIC FLOW IN STEEL-TAPPING CHANNEL OF THE CONVERTER Pohvalityi A.A., Sigarev E.M., Chubin K.I., Poletaev V.P., Pohvalita O.V. Abstract For obtaining steels responsible destination in most cases requires a particularly low residual content of dissolved gases and harmful impurities, including oxygen (less than 15 ppm) and sulfur (30-100 ppm). The content of these impurities in the finished product depends to a large extent not only on the overall level of the technology of smelting, after-treatment and casting, but also on the degree of perfection of the melt protection technology from contact with the atmosphere at the stages of tapping and transfusion. Improving the technology of melt tapping, taking into account the possibility of using the refining potential steel-tapping channel of the oxygen converter, is an urgent task. In a number of papers, the operation of carbon deoxidation of the nondeoxidized steel is proposed to be performed during the process of melt tapping from the converter by organizing the blowing of a metal flow with an inert gas (argon) in the working space of the steel-tapping channel. Such a technique allows to reduce the pressure and consumption of neutral gas, to use the carbon potential of iron-carbon melt and to reduce resource and energy costs for the production of finished metal products. In known studies, there is practically no information on the mathematical description of the process of melt production with the organization of simultaneous deoxidation, which takes into account the peculiarities of the formation of the gas-metal flow in the steel-tapping channel of the oxygen converter. The aim of the work is to develop mathematical models and numerical modeling of the melt tapping process with the determination of the influence of the consumption characteristics of the neutral gas and the geometrical parameters of the steel-tapping channel of the oxygen converter on the formation of the gas-liquid flow and the possibility of protecting the latter from atmospheric influences. According to the results of numerical simulation, it is proved that the use of an innovative two-chamber design of the steel-tapping channel of an oxygen converter can provide an increase in the degree of organization of the gas-metal stream and its protection against atmospheric influences. The mathematical models for studying the influence of the structural and technological characteristics of the carbon deoxidation of the metal melt on the tapping into the steel-pouring ladle by the injection of neutral gas into the working space of the steel-tapping channel of the oxygen converter are presented. Reference [1] Pohvalityi A.A., Sigarev E.M., Kulik A.D., Poletaev V.P. [Modeling the melt tapping from the converter using the method of connection diagrams]. Matematicheskoye modelirovaniye - Mathematical Modeling, 2016, no. 2(35), pp. 93-96. (In Russian). [2] Pohvalityi A.A, Ogurtsov A.P., Kulik A.D., Kasheev M.A. [Improvement of the tapping of steel from the converter. Two-chamber tap-hole]. Chernaya metallurgiya. Byulleten' nauchno-tekhnicheskoy i ekonomicheskoy informatsii [Ferrous metallurgy. Bulletin of scientific-technical and economic information, 2015, no. 6, pp.16-19. (In Russian). [3] Ogurtsov A.P., Kulik A.D., Kasheev M.A., Pohvalityi A.A. [Increase of efficiency of technology of tapping of metal from the converter. The model of interaction of a jet with a gas in the cavity of a tap-hole (message 1)]. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Dneprodzerzhinskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (tekhnicheskiye nauki) [Collection of scientific proceedings of Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University (technical sciences)], 2013, no. 3(23), pp. 21-26. (In Russian). [4] Pohvalityi A.A., Kulik A.D., Sigarev E.M. [High-temperature modeling of the of melt tapping from the converter with the supply of argon to the cavity of the tap-hole]. Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlennost' - Metallurgical and mining industry, 2016, no. 2, pp. 52-57. (In Russian). [5] Ogurtsov A.P., Kulik A.D., Kasheev M.A. , Pohvalítyi A.A., Deripasko V.O. Sposib pozapichnoyi obrobky metalu [Method secondary refining of metal]. Patent Ukraine, no. 93239, 2014.

Authors and Affiliations

А. А. Похвалітий, Є. М. Сігарьов, К. І. Чубін, В. П. Полєтаєв, О. В. Похваліта


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  • EP ID EP297085
  • DOI 10.31319/2519-8106.1(38)2018.129033
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How To Cite

А. А. Похвалітий, Є. М. Сігарьов, К. І. Чубін, В. П. Полєтаєв, О. В. Похваліта (2018). МАТЕМАТИЧНА МОДЕЛЬ ФОРМУВАННЯ ГАЗОМЕТАЛЕВОГО ПОТОКУ У СТАЛЕВИПУСКНОМУ КАНАЛІ КОНВЕРТЕРА. Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 100-105. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-297085