Математичне моделювання формування сил різання при розрізанні автомобільних пневматичних шин навпіл

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2


MATHEMATICAL MODELING FORMATION OF FORCES OF CUTTING TO CUT IN HALF AUTOMOBILE PNEUMATIC TIRES Sasov O.O., Korobochka O.M., Volosova N.M. Abstract The resulting mathematical model of the formation of cutting forces in the cutting of worn-out automobile pneumatic tires in half with a cutting tool made of alloy grades P6M5 and T15K6. The mathematical model expresses the dependence of the cutting forces on the set of geometric parameters and hardness of the material of the cutting tool and the operating parameters of the cutting. With its help, it is possible to define a set of optimal geometric parameters, cutting tool material and operating parameters that ensure minimization of cutting forces and energy consumption for the cutting process as a whole. The mathematical model was refined taking into account the obtained equation of the dependence of the cutting forces on the ultimate strength of car tire materials. The adequacy of the refined model was confirmed by an estimate of the homogeneity of variances in the calculated and experimental values of the cutting forces using the Fisher statistical test. The effective mode parameters are determined: the speed of the spindle of the machine and the feeding of the cutting tool, the geometric parameters and the hardness of the material of the cutting tool, which ensure minimum energy costs. A comparative analysis of the energy consumption of the process of cutting the worn out tires in half to optimize the operating parameters and after it. References [1] Analiz rehuliatornoho vplyvu do proektu nakazu Ministerstva ekolohiy ta pryrodnykh resursiv «Pro vstanovlennia Minimalnykh rozmiriv platy za posluhy z orhanizatsiy zbyrannia, zahotivli ta utylizatsiy znoshenykh shyn». Ministerstvo ekolohiy ta pryrodnykh resursiv Ukrainy. Available at: http://old.menr.gov.ua/docs/normbaza/regulatory/analiz-rehuliatornoho-vplyvu/arv_21032013.doc [2] Smetanin, B. I. (2000). Zakhyst navkolyshnoho seredovyshcha vid vidkhodiv vyrobnytstva y spozhyvannia. Moscow: Kolossia, 232. [3] Postnikov, V. V., Sharipov, B. U., Shuster, L. Sh. (1988). Protsessy na kontaktnyh poverhnostyah, iznos rezhushchego instrumenta, svoystva obrabotannoy poverhnosti. Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Ural'skogo universiteta, 224. [4] Skorniakov, E. S., Korobochka, O. M., Sasov, O. O., Averianov, V. S. (2010). Pat. No. 56698 UA. Sposib pererobky znoshenykh shyn zahalnoho pryznachennia ta velykohabarytnykh avtomobilnykh shyn. No. u 2010 08087; declareted: 29.06.2010; published: 25.01.2011, Bul. No. 2. [5] Kozar', D. M., Krauin'sh, P. Ya. (2013). Kinematika i dinamika formirovaniya sil rezaniya pri frezerovanii uprugoy obolochki. Nauka i obrazovanie, 7, 287–309. [6] Muzafarov, R. S., Mkrtchyan, A. F. (2008). Issledovanie vliyaniya ugla zatochki lezviya na usilie rezaniya. Intellektual'nye sistemy v proizvodstve, 2 (12), 85–88. [7] Sasov, O. O., Korzhavin, Yu. A., Sychov, S. Yu. (2016). Eksperymentalni doslidzhennia vplyvu heometriy rizhuchoho instrumenta z tytan-volframovykh splaviv na syly rizannia pry rozrizanni znoshenykh pnevmatychnykh shyn. Perspektyvni tekhnolohiy ta prylady, 8 (1), 110–115. [8] Sasov, O. O., Korzhavin, Yu. A., Korobochka, O. M. (2015). Doslidzhennia vplyvu heometriy ta materialu rizhuchoho instrumentu na syly rizannia pry poperednomu podribnenni znoshenykh pnevmatychnykh shyn. Perspektyvni tekhnolohiy ta prylady, 7 (2), 104–107. [9] Skorniakov, E. S., Sasov, O. O., Korzhavin, Yu. A. et. al. (2015). Doslidzhennia osoblyvostei podribnennia rizanniam pnevmatychnykh shyn pry utylizatsiy. Perspektyvni tekhnolohiy ta prylady, 6 (1), 83–87. [10] Ragrin, N. A. (2016). Osobennosti planirovaniya eksperimenta v issledovaniyah stoykosti rezhushchih instrumentov. Sovremennye problemy teorii mashin, 4, 12–13. [11] Grubyiy, S. V. (2008). Optimizatsiya rezhimov odnoinstrumentnoy lezviynoy obrabotki. Nauchno tekhnicheskiy zhurnal STIN, 2, 24–26. [12] Grubyiy, S. V. (2017). Raschet parametrov struzhkoobrazovaniya i sil rezaniya plastichnyh materialov. Mashiny i Ustanovki: proektirovanie, razrabotka i ekspluatatsiya, 1, 25–37.

Authors and Affiliations

О. М. Коробочка, О. О. Сасов, Н. М. Волосова


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О. М. Коробочка, О. О. Сасов, Н. М. Волосова (2017). Математичне моделювання формування сил різання при розрізанні автомобільних пневматичних шин навпіл. Математичне моделювання, 1(2), 14-19. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-276902