Mathematical modelling of transition of nozzles for liquid sprayer and generation of microclimate in the premises of greenhouses into various possible conditions
Journal Title: Інженерія природокористування - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2
The article describes the charts of conditions and mathematical modeling of transitions of nozzles of automated control systems for temperature and humidity parameters of air in the area of cultivation of plants under protected ground into various possible conditions. The system is designed to create the desired indoor climate in industrial greenhouses. The task of the paper is marked chart of events, describing the processes of transition of nozzles from working to non-working condition with consideration of the light intensity of the flow by different reasons and in accordance with mathematical modeling of transitions of nozzles in various possible conditions. The analysis of nozzles transition from working to non-working condition, for various reasons and inverse conversion after recovery is a prerequisite for making a marked-appropriate chart describing these processes considering the intensity of their occurrence. A marked chart for nozzles as a technical system that can be in a good condition and failures of two conditions for reasons of failure of the filter or valve. It proved that the nozzle for spraying fluid and creation of the necessary microclimate in greenhouses room has a usable condition and two types of failures: blocking filter and failure of the valve. The behavior of the nozzle as a technical system that shall be a subject to restoration can be described chart marked with four stages of determining probabilities underlying the establishment of major indexes of reliability. The prospect of further research is to determine the function of the nozzle readiness for operation and installation of average operating time to failure nozzle and average recovery time filter and valve.
Authors and Affiliations
Anatolij Ivanovych Boiko, Vasyl` Mykolayovych Savchenko, Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Krot
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Mathematical modelling of transition of nozzles for liquid sprayer and generation of microclimate in the premises of greenhouses into various possible conditions
The article describes the charts of conditions and mathematical modeling of transitions of nozzles of automated control systems for temperature and humidity parameters of air in the area of cultivation of plants under pr...
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