Mathematics and consciousness – mind models by Penrose and information processing in a human
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2010, Vol 20, Issue 52
The author presents the mind models created by outstanding mathematician Roger Penrose. From critical analysis of the models, it results that mathematics – and any other crystallized branch of contemporary science – is able to create only a specific representation of phenomena and processes under research, because of their own limitations resulting from its specificity and methodologies recognized in the given branch as scientific. Because of such constraints, any representation created by a single, mature branch of science – with established methodology – cannot make a complete image of reality, and the analyses basing on different premises and methodologies are necessary. The author suggests a pattern of information processing in a human. Taking it as a basis, he determines the scope of meaning of terms “attention”, “mind”, “prudence”, “consciousness” etc. Then this pattern is compared to Penrose’s models, basing on assumption that the equivalent of calculations is intelligence. The author distinguishes the connections, i.e. information transfer inside an element of information processing system, and the associations, related to information transfer between the elements of the system. Then, taking as a basis the way of thinking by Penrose, he creates the four models basing on information process-ing chain in a human. They are associated with the system approach by Morawski. Finally, the author presents the role of theory creation in physical education sciences and their possible connections with other branches of science, mainly psychology and mathematics.
Authors and Affiliations
Wacław Petryński
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