Maximum Parenchyma Saving Resection for an “Early Stage” Squamous Cell Carcinoma 

Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2012, Vol 3, Issue 3


Early stage squamous cell carcinoma is a radiologically occult disease. A few cases have been reported in the literature. In the case described here, bronchoscopic examination revealed a small polypoid lesion arising at the division between the superior and basal segmental bronchus of the right lower lobe. Sleeve resection of the superior segment of the right lower lobe was performed. An anatomically complete maximal parenchyma-saving resection can be done for such an earlystage squamous cell carcinoma. 

Authors and Affiliations

Cagatay Tezel, Volkan Baysungur, Erdal Okur, Semih Halezeroglu


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  • EP ID EP108647
  • DOI 10.4328/JCAM.537
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How To Cite

Cagatay Tezel, Volkan Baysungur, Erdal Okur, Semih Halezeroglu (2012). Maximum Parenchyma Saving Resection for an “Early Stage” Squamous Cell Carcinoma . Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 3(3), 350-352.