Psoas Abscess Due to Appendicitis; Case Report And Review of the Literature
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2012, Vol 3, Issue 3
Psoas abscess is an uncommon condition and its diagnosis is usually delayed and difficult. Classical symptoms and findings can be seen in very few of the patients so the diagnosis and therefore treatment is usually delayed. In many centers routinely ultrasonography and omputarized tomography of abdomen are used for the diagnosis. Combination of antibiotic treatment and drainage (surgical or percutaneus) are recommended in the management of this rarely seen disease. We present a case with psoas abscess rarely seen in our department, caused because of appendicitis, and diagnosed with computarized tomography and treated surgically.
Authors and Affiliations
Cem Özgür, Asım Özayar , Tarkan Uzun, Yeliz Tuna
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