Means of Siauliai college advertisement: ways of information spread and image formation
Journal Title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika - Year 2010, Vol 6, Issue 6
On the grounds of the studies of scientific literature, the article analyses the advertisement of Siauliai College in the period of 2009-2010. There are many and different means for reveal of advertisement content and idea. The advertisement is defined as the most vital business element. The essence of advertisement is the information especially prepared, processed and transfered to particular audience. In the process of creation of new communication types, devel opment of informative technologies, and widening of their possibilities, the innovative types of advertisement are also applied for creation of the College’s image and information spread. The article analyses the basic means of advertisement (printed and petit advertisement, advertisement in press, television, internet, demonstrative advertisement) us ed for separate objective groups: students, pupils, consultants of vocational information, employers, and social partners. It reveals the importance of advertisement, as a very important means of information spread and image formation, for popularization of the College’s studies programs, emphasis and consolidation of competitive advantages, promoting the representatives of various objective groups to assess positively the activity of the College.
Authors and Affiliations
Lina Liesienė
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