Mechanical properties of polyepoxide composites with oxidized graphene and their chemical stability

Journal Title: Поверхня - Year 2018, Vol 25, Issue 10


Polymer composite materials based on epoxy resin filled with oxydized graphene in the form of blocks with a micrometer base surface and nanometer thickness with a concentration of 1, 2 and 5 wt. % The samples were of two types and differed in the time of exposure (up to 25 days and 6 hours) in a mixture of liquid polymer with disperse filler. After exposure, an additive was added to the mixture and the compositions were prepared. The chemical stability of composite materials was determined as the degree of swelling in solutions: acetone - ethyl acetate and 25% of a solution of nitric acid. In this work, the mechanical parameters of the samples were studied: compressive strength, tensile strength from the steel surface, abrasion resistance on steel surface and flexural strength. It have been established that the mechanical parameters and chemical stability of the filled composites have a nonmonotonic dependence on the producing method of the composite matrix and of the filler concentration. It was shown that two types of graphene composites have a higher resistance to swelling in a solution of nitric acid, and with the loading of 0.01% oxidized graphene their chemical resistance deteriorates. Besides, samples with a longer exposure time of the filler in the polymer matrix are characterized by increased chemical resistance to aggressive media. Correlation of the concentration dependences of the swelling and the mechanical parameters that have an extremum at a filling concentration C = 1 wt. % is not observed.

Authors and Affiliations

N. V. Sigareva, D. L. Starokadomskiy, B. M. Gorelov, O. O. Tkachenko


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  • EP ID EP463597
  • DOI 10.15407/Surface.2018.10.142
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How To Cite

N. V. Sigareva, D. L. Starokadomskiy, B. M. Gorelov, O. O. Tkachenko (2018). Mechanical properties of polyepoxide composites with oxidized graphene and their chemical stability. Поверхня, 25(10), 142-152.