Mechanisms of grouping and decomposition of network graphics for support of experimental researches of business process management substances
Journal Title: Комп’ютерне моделювання: аналіз, управління, оптимізація - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 2
Effective management of organizational and technological processes of enterprises and organizations requires the pre-modeling of internal business processes to determine the peculiarities of business processes throughout the life cycle of products or services. These processes are one of the most complex objects of description and modeling. In this paper, the design of the aircraft was considered and the business process of its construction was simulated. When conducting experimental research with the help of the PIPE environment it turned out that even with insignificant number of resources, conducting experimental studies on the use of classical means of computing technology is impossible. The computer system does not have sufficient memory and processor resources to perform this task, given the relatively high number of vertices in the business process column. To solve this problem, it is proposed to apply an intensive approach, namely to group the events of the initial policy graph. Proposed and substantiated approaches and methods of modeling complex graphs, mechanisms of grouping and decomposition of network graphs for business process control subsystems, which allow to significantly expand the possibilities of modeling business processes with a large amount of resources. The concept of a metagraph is introduced, and also, besides the grouping procedure, the decomposition of the graph of the business process into structural elements is performed. In fact, meta-graph combines separate structural elements which are formed as a result of the decomposition of the initial graph. The meta-graph modeling is performed, in which both sections of the graph grouped according to the above principle, and separate decomposable sections are represented. Decomposition was carried out for those areas that have branching in the middle, but at the same time branching must begin from one point and also converge at one point. Experimental studies have confirmed that the proposed approaches can significantly reduce the time spent on the simulation process, in particular through the simulation environment supporting the multithreading mode, which significantly expands the ability to simulate business processes with a large amount of resources.
Authors and Affiliations
В. Є. Мухін, В. Ю. Побережніченко
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