Mediacja w polskim postępowaniu cywilnym – fakty i mity
Journal Title: ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 44
The paper explores the concept of mediation and its significance in civil procedure. It details the pros and cons of mediation in order to demonstrate why the process was introduced to the Polish judicial system over ten years ago. For the purpose of the thesis, mediation was researched mainly by analyzing relevant publications. The paper presents theoretical findings with respect to certain practical solutions, placing particular importance on the time period during which mediation has been applied in civil procedure. By examining mediation in the context of actual issues and views in the legal doctrine, the dissertation aims to stimulate discourse on the merits of the practice and reflects whether it is still needed today. The paper concludes that bringing a case to court is not always the optimal method of solving disputes, as a lawsuit may often not be able to address the intricacies of many situations. Therefore, other forms of justice have been established as alternatives to court proceedings. Any out-of-court means of dispute resolution are considered exceptions to the application of law by the judiciary. As a tool for dispute resolution, mediation is versatile, applicable to a wide range of areas; it has been implemented to enhance the justice system – to support.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Kowalczyk
Sprawozdanie z konferencji z cyklu Arbitraż i mediacja w teorii i praktyce pt. ,,Państwo i ADR” w Nowym Tomyślu (17.4.2015 r.)
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