Mediacje i negocjacje w policji – szansa na popularyzację ADR

Journal Title: ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 39


Mediation is one of the methods of amicable settlement of disputes. Typically used by courts and non-governmental organizations, can now enter a completely new chapter. Policemen, and especially the district officers, are often the first to deal with conflicting parties – they need to be on the scene first, and at that stage they should know when to use ADR methods to be effective and to contribute to a faster and smoother resolution of the dispute. Therefore, policemen and districts officers should know the basics of ADR and be able to apply them in practice, and if the case is more complex, know what tools they have and what they can do to help resolve the conflict in an amicable way. This gives the mediation a whole new field of development, facilitates access to it and above all, affects the social consciousness and knowledge of citizens in this regard.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Wojcieszak, Mariola Hacia-Groticka


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How To Cite

Anna Wojcieszak, Mariola Hacia-Groticka (2017). Mediacje i negocjacje w policji – szansa na popularyzację ADR. ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja, 3(39), 75-90.