Problem ujawnienia finansowania przez osoby trzecie w międzynarodowym arbitrażu inwestycyjnym
Journal Title: ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 43
Since the middle of the last century, international investment arbitration has been the most effective way of pursuing claims raised by an investor whose rights have been violated in a host country. The popularity of investment arbitration has led not only to the unrestrained influx of cases handled by international investment tribunals, but has also developed solutions that raise legal and ethical concerns. One of the most controversial issues are the participation and involvement, especially financial, of third parties in international arbitration proceedings. Financing by specialized and commercial organizations opens, for many investors, the possibility of pursuing their claims through international arbitration and significantly facilitates the covering of all costs resulting from the proceeding. However, this possibility is paid by the necessity of paying part of the prize to the founder, and the fact of including a foreign person in the proceedings, not directly related to the dispute, raises many problems of a procedural nature. Particularly, they include issues of disclosure regarding the relationship between the party and its founder, the terms of their agreement, allocation and security of proceedings costs, transparency of arrangements for financing, conflicts of interest, independence of arbitrators and the barrister's ethics. The issue of the involvement of third-party funders has not been sufficiently regulated in the existing regulations of arbitral tribunals, nor has there been any constant and consistent case-law practice in this regard. The subject of disclosure of financing by third-party funders is and will remain one of the most ardently discussed issues in arbitration communities and thus deserves special attention.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Moskal
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