Medialization thyroplasty in glottis insufficiency due to unilateral vocal fold paralysis and after laser cordectomies – preliminary report

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2017, Vol 71, Issue 1


Medialization thyroplasty (type I) is surgical procedure performed on the thyroid cartilage. The major indication for this surgery is significant glottis insufficiency due to unilateral vocal fold paresis. However the proce¬dure is also performed after vocal fold resections during cordectomy. The aim: The evaluation of voice results in patients after medialisation throplasty. Material and methods: In Otolaryngology Department of Medical University of Warsaw there were performed so far 8 thyroplasty procedures under local anaesthesia with implantation of medical silicon protesis. 6 patients had unilat¬eral vocal fold paresis and the rest two underwent in the past laser cordectomy due to T1a vocal carcinoma. Results: There were no complications during and post the surgery. The follow up examination in 1st , 3rd, 6th i 12th months postoperatively revealed for all patients significant improvement of glottal closure in laryngeal videostrobos¬copy. The voice quality improved both in perceptual evaluation (GRBAS scale) and acoustic analysis (F0, jitter, shim¬mer, NHR) in both patients groups. However the rate of improvement was much more significant in group with uni¬lateral vocal fold paresis. In all patients the maximum phonation time (MPT) increased. The self-evaluation of voice quality with Voice Handicap Index questionnaire confirmed also individual improvement. Conclusions: The speech rehabilitations is not successful in each patient with glottis insufficiency. The medialisation thyroplasty remains the standard procedure for permanent improvement of voice quality in those cases.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Rzepakowska, Ewa Osuch-Wójcikiewicz, Ewelina Sielska-Badurek, Kazimierz Niemczyk


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  • EP ID EP187278
  • DOI 10.5604/01.3001.0009.5548
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How To Cite

Anna Rzepakowska, Ewa Osuch-Wójcikiewicz, Ewelina Sielska-Badurek, Kazimierz Niemczyk (2017). Medialization thyroplasty in glottis insufficiency due to unilateral vocal fold paralysis and after laser cordectomies – preliminary report. Otolaryngologia Polska, 71(1), 22-29.