Mediation - a Method to Resolve Conflicts Without Going to Justice
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2012, Vol 60, Issue 4
Conflict in a society such as the present, where disputes are born every minute, whether it is minor conflicts inherent in community life, or it is a major conflicts involving large groups of people, communities or even states, it takes more effort to restore peace. Appeal to the court or an authoritarian leader to judge and decide who are right, is not a long term solution because there will always be dissatisfaction with the solution found. Thus alternative methods are needed to restore the natural order, moving into the conflict to find a compromise solution to please all parties. And one of the methods that can do this is mediation, seen as a quick and confidential way of resolving conflict and finding a viable solution. This study aims to present the main techniques used to obtain the desired result in mediation: a durable peace between the parties.
Authors and Affiliations
Dragos Marian RADULESCU
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