Medieval thinker’s ideas about order and chaos

Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 1


The analysis and systematization of medieval thinker’s ideas about order and chaos are made. It is stated that in Middle Ages the majority of authors declared order to be necessary existence condition of any thing or phenomenon. The idea of ordering was used to corroborate Christianity postulate about the omnipotence of God and other dogmata. It is grounded that nearly all the thinkers of Middle Ages spoke about divine origin of order. It is shown that in Medieval Philosophy the attitude of denying even the slightest possibility of chaos existing was domineering (Origen, Saint Anselm of Canterbury, John Duns Scotus, etc). Many medieval authors (such as Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius) justify the presence in Philosophy ideas about existing of inordinate with mistakes in thinking. It is argued that a number of medieval thinkers conceded possibility of chaos existing (Bernard Silvestris, Ramón Lull, etc). Saint Thomas Aquinas’s reflections concerning “disorder of human will”, Meister Eckhart’s words about “disorderly love”, and Heinrich Suso’s criticism of “ disordered life” are analyzed. Two philosophical strategies that are offered by medieval thinkers towards disorder are pointed out: A strategy of rational ordering of disorder (Saint Thomas Aquinas, Roger Bacon, Bernard Silvestris, etc) and a strategy of delimitation a person from chaos (Ramón Lull).

Authors and Affiliations

Alexandr Kulik


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How To Cite

Alexandr Kulik (2014). Medieval thinker’s ideas about order and chaos. ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ, 2(1), 37-45.