Mediul virtual – un spațiu al „legitimării” pentru ademenirea minorului în scopuri sexuale

Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 198


The recent technological progress has put the society face to face with a new threat: children` online security. It is absolutely necessary to determine the potential dangers that might affect children when using the Internet. Moreover, raising in this sense the conscience of those who daily interact with minors is one of the fundamental strategies in preventing this phenomenon. Children`s sexual inviolability is much more vulnerable when speaking about digital medium, in great part due to their credulity. Despite being incriminated, this kind of actions are rarely punished.

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How To Cite

(2017). Mediul virtual – un spațiu al „legitimării” pentru ademenirea minorului în scopuri sexuale. Revista Națională de Drept, 4(198), 63-67.