Meningkatkan Penguasaan Siswa Kelas IX pada Fungsi Kuadrat dan Grafiknya Menggunakan Teknik Inkuiri
Journal Title: Jambura Journal of Mathematics - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 1
Quadratic equations and quadratic functions are two materials that are easy to distinguish but both are inseparable. The mastery of most students towards quadratic functions and graphs has not shown the minimum score of the competency achievement indicator / Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK). This happens because of a problem in mastering the quadratic function and drawing a graph of the function. The results of the assessment indicate that these conditions are a result of (1) inadequate student mastery of the form of quadratic equations, (2) students do not master the way to investigate and find the roots of quadratic equations. To improve students' mastery of quadratic functions and graphs, a study through class action with a focus on the use of inquiry techniques in learning is used. Inquiry techniques with characteristics and steps of inquiry learning in its application (A) give space for students to learn to think, (B) put students in the inquiry process according to their respective ways of learning and (C) the development of mastering of students who have mastery abilities in the average range or more is not hampered by students who are below the average. In line with the class action process, all data is documented, the data is in the form of quantitative data and qualitative data related to (a) teacher activities, (b) student activities (groups and individuals) and (c) student mastery of the graph squared function. All data are described in both narrative and statistical descriptions. The activities of students conducting guided investigations in learning are able to increase their mastery of quadratic equations and quadratic functions and graphs. Mastery of students in class IXD of SMP Negeri 1 Kabila on quadratic function material and graphs can be improved using inquiry techniques in learning.
Authors and Affiliations
Sumarno Ismail, Magrfirah Bakari
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