Methodical Prerequisites for the Differentiated Formation of English Language Lexical Competence in the Reading of Future Philologists
Journal Title: Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка - Year 2018, Vol 94, Issue 3
Recently, in pedagogical science there is a tangible accentuation of the attention of scientists on a particular person. Professional training of students is designed to enable each student to disclose his / her personal qualities, professional abilities, create conditions for the full detection and development of his / her personal functions. The article investigates the problem of the English-language lexical competence formation in reading on the principle of differentiation, competence and communicative activity approaches, and teaching principles. The differentiated approach to the formation of the English-language lexical competence in reading is a systematic organization and self-organization of the process of lexical competence formation in reading, itcovers the differentiation of goals, content, methods, techniques, means (text material) of teaching depending on the level of learning and autonomy of students. The students were divided into three subgroups regarding the levels of comprehension of the text: 1 group – students with a low level of lexical competence, able to understand the speech sporadically, that is, separate phrases and paraphrase unity; 2 group – students with a sufficient level of lexical competence, capable to understand the text at the metasemiotic level, that is, the explicit content of the whole text; 3 group – students with a high level of lexical competence, capable to understand the text at the meta-semiotic level, that is, the implicit meaning and the meaning of the text. The learning method is defined as a communicative, which is realized in the practice methods and problem learning. All exercises have a differentiated approach, which lies in the composing of exercises, their purpose, in the way of their implementation, in the teacher’s management
Authors and Affiliations
A. A. Kravchenko
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