Methodological bases of individualization of preparation of sportsmen and a complete set of commands in sports aerobics

Journal Title: Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 3


The purpose of the work is to substantiate the application of integral technologies of psychophysical training and the complete set of teams for competitive performances in aerobics. Participants. The study involved 46 qualified aerobics, 22 athletes were a control group, 24 experimental and 19 aerobists, 9 athletes comprised an experimental group, and 10 controls. Methods of research: theoretical analysis of literary data; method of evaluating the results of competitive activity; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics with the use of computer programs "EXEL" and "SPSS". The obtained data were analyzed using non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests for independent samples and Wilcoxon for dependent samples. Results. It has been shown that psychophysical training should be one of the main parts of the variational component of the general training program for aerobic athletes. It is based on the implementation of special exercise complexes in combination with mental imaginative representations of the nature of the movements. The positive influence of the application of integral technologies of psychophysical training and the complete set of teams in a sports aerobic on the competitive performance of athletes is shown. Before conducting the experiment on the results in the rating of the competitions, the control and experimental groups did not differ statistically (p> 0.05). After the experiment, there were statistically significant differences in the competitive rating of athletes in the experimental and control groups (p <0.05). Conclusions. The construction of the training process using integral psychophysical training technologies and the algorithm of teamwork had a positive effect both on the effectiveness of competitive activities of athletes.

Authors and Affiliations

Т. В. Шепеленко, Н. Ю. Борейко, С. В. Фомін, Ю. О. Новіков


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  • EP ID EP291378
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1133949
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How To Cite

Т. В. Шепеленко, Н. Ю. Борейко, С. В. Фомін, Ю. О. Новіков (2017). Methodological bases of individualization of preparation of sportsmen and a complete set of commands in sports aerobics. Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация, 3(3), 45-56.