Methodological problems in integrating information and communication technologies in elementary school


One of the main aspects of educational reform in Bulgaria is the introduction of information and communication technologies to educational process. This article discusses issues associated with the usage of new technologies in primary school. Management of pedagogical process of students from first to fourth grade has its own specifics, and working with information and communication technologies increases the ability of the teachers to expand and enrich their pedagogical methods and tools to achieve effective results at the end of the learning process. The article gives a brief overview of some of the latest technologies offered to primary teachers, such as multipoint technology with software ‘Envision’ and ‘Mouse Mischief’, and Kinect technology creating the new type of interaction between man and computer. It also brings up the need to develop a new methodology of working with information and communication technologies. Multipoint technology has a huge impact on the acquisition of non-technological skills. Methodological training of teachers should focus on the possibility to combine the appropriate use of multipoint technology in the construction of non-technological skills. Such methodological development would be a significant achievement in modern Bulgarian primary education.

Authors and Affiliations

Rumyana Neminska


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How To Cite

Rumyana Neminska (2014). Methodological problems in integrating information and communication technologies in elementary school. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 25(2), 145-151.