Methodology for Identification and Evaluation of Web Application Performance Oriented Usability Issues
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator - Year 2016, Vol 9, Issue 2
This paper aims to illustrate a methodology for identifying and assessing a set of performance issues encountered in a particular web application, with impact on the usability level. Throughout this methodology, several visual techniques are determined and investigated by taking advantage of the functionalities offered by available performance monitoring tools such as JMeter and VisualVM. This way, the major performance concerns and their impact on the web application usability are easily determined. Therefore, by identifying the problematic parts of a system, corrective measures could be taken, particularly designed to operate on the root cause of the problem, thus leading to the targeted objective. Moreover, some performance improvement recommendations are further on presented in order to enhance the overall usability and the user experience, the actual goal of the research and development activities conducted. These performance concerns might be designed and implemented after fixing the critical parts causing usability problems and consequently, maximizing the user satisfaction and comfort when exploring the functionalities offered by a particular web application.
Authors and Affiliations
Mihaela Cigudean, Dorian Gorgan
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