Methodology for the ranking of higher education institutions


The article is devoted to the problem of providing and controlling the quality of educational services. The objectives of the study are: 1) analysis and synthesis of domestic experience in building the ratings of universities, 2) analysis of foreign rankings, 3) development of proposals for the methodology for constructing the ranking of higher educational institutions of Ukraine for school leavers and employers. To build the ranking of higher education institutions for applicants and employers, it was suggested to use such criteria: 1) the ratio of teachers with academic rank (and / or academic degree) in the teaching staff of the university; 2) the level of preparation of entrants, a statistically measurable indicator of which is the EIE score (external independent evaluation); 3) the proportion of students involved in scientific activities (in the total number of students in a university); 4) the proportion of students who passed the internship — a criterion indicating the professional preparedness of students / graduates of the university; 5) in addition to the statistically evaluated indicators of the quality of educational services, it is also suggested that the experts assess the professional skills of graduates.

Authors and Affiliations

Liudmyla Petrenko, Valentyn Semko, Dariia Yushkova


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How To Cite

Liudmyla Petrenko, Valentyn Semko, Dariia Yushkova (2018). Methodology for the ranking of higher education institutions. Стратегія економічного розвитку України, 42(), 244-255.