Methodology of research of the problem of development of organizational culture of pedagogical staff of establishments of vocational education of an agrarian profile
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Інституту професійно-технічної освіти НАПН України. Професійна педагогіка - Year 2018, Vol 2018, Issue 15
The article presents a methodology for studying the state and peculiarities of the development of the organizational culture of vocational education institutions of the agrarian profile of Ukraine. The means of applying the method of rank correlation revealed the correlation of the priority values of pedagogical staff, their orientation to the development of organizational culture. The experience of application of methods of research of problems of organizational culture by scientists is used, where theoretical and empirical research methods are presented. The scientific theoretical sources related to the study of the problem of the development of organizational culture are analyzed.The interaction of the individual with the social environment, between the members of the collective, between management and subordinates is characterized, as a result of which the organizational culture of the pedagogical staff is formed and developed. Attention is focused on the importance of the culturological approach to solving the problem of the development of organizational culture as a spiritual and cultural component of this process. The main principles of the research methodology are determined.Among them – the principles of universality, accessibility, clarity and uniqueness, a priori, respect for personal (individual) and national cultures, participativeness. The separate interesting facts about the use of methods of induction, systematization and generalization are described. Their application made it possible to clarify the essence of the category of organizational culture, to systematize the principles of its formation and development.
Authors and Affiliations
Tatyana Polischuk
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