Methodology of teaching physical education lessons for 14-15 year-old pupils by implementation of the game and competition method
Journal Title: Știința culturii fizice - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 31
The method of game, widely used in physical education lessons in primary education, remains valid for gymnasium(class IX) also, but unlike primary classes where play is a method of expressing emotions and to know the surrounding world, at this stage the game becomes an attempt of personality. Implementation of game method and competition within the lessons of physical education is particularly important for teenagers who manifest passivity and indifference, initially engaging the increasing attractiveness of lessons, but at the improvement of motor training level and improving the indices for the health of the body. Specificity of the methodology lies in comparing forces of the people involved in the game, that presents itself as rivals in the struggle for precedence, what develops with intensity participants’ volitional qualities. By combining the method of the game with the competitive method, the real reason of the contest - personal pride is satisfied.
Authors and Affiliations
Irina Delipovici
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