Methods and forms of tutoring and mentoring at higher educational establishments of Germany
Journal Title: ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 7
<p>The article analyzes the methods and forms of tutoring and mentoring at Higher Educational Establishments (HEEs) of Germany. The study includes a comparative analysis of various German HEEs, the common features and differences in the implementation of tutoring and mentoring. It is noted that Germany is among the countries in which the system of tutoring and mentoring is implemented at the highest level, taking into account the peculiarities of different HEEs. It should be noted that the Network of Tutors plays a special role in coordination of tutors and mentors work at Higher Educational Establishments of Germany. The Network provides communication between specialists of various HEEs. It is responsible for complex situations solving and develops a strategy for the following years. The qualification of tutors deserves particular attention. Despite the differences in the system of tutoring and mentoring at different HEEs, there are general principles of functioning in line with the autonomy of each HEE. Much attention is paid to the training of tutors, since mentors are, in the majority of cases, employees of HEEs, they perform organizational and psychological functions and are specialists in accordance with their educational and qualification level. Tutors have a series of qualifying events, seminars and trainings. Eventually they get certificates. During trainings and training modules for tutors, they are not only taught the teaching methods, but also learn case-methods for solving specific problems. This is due to an increase in the number of foreign students and the need for non-standard approaches in work with foreigners. The article also reflects shifting emphasis in tutoring and mentoring activity. If the end of the twentieth century is characterized by the emergence of tutoring and mentoring in most of the HEEs, the beginning of the XXI century – by the systematicity of tutoring and mentoring, and today the emphasis is on the qualifications and certification of tutors. The article shows that the readiness level of tutors to conduct tutorials directly affects the success of students and quality assurance in the educational process</p>
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Ivanytska
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