Methods of Assessment of Variants of Technical and Technological Renovation under Modern Conditions

Journal Title: Бізнес Інформ - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 0


The article marks out stages of planning of the moment of renovation, considers an algorithm of selection of the best variant of renovation out of alternative variants with consideration of such aspects as the degree of risk of each investment project, financial capabilities and economic efficiency of renovation. The article studies the scheme of analysis of alternative variants of technical and technological renovation, which includes preliminary, financial and economic, technical and other types of analysis. The article forms an economic model of assessment of introduction of a new technology at an enterprise moving by the technological scheme of development and realisation of novelty; it calculates expenses (engineering and design, material, technical and personnel training costs) and identifies economic possibilities of an enterprise on the conduct of renovation. In the result it allocates the indicator of realisation of a new technology in general by an aggregate group of factors. Due to absence of indicators of assessment of efficiency of renovation adapted to market conditions, the article offers to calculate the indicator of assessment of efficiency of investing into renovation, showing what portion of the investment is returned in the form of profit during one period of planning.

Authors and Affiliations

Larysa Shevchuk


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How To Cite

Larysa Shevchuk (2013). Methods of Assessment of Variants of Technical and Technological Renovation under Modern Conditions. Бізнес Інформ, 11(0), 313-318.