Methods of Psychoanalysis in the Psychological Support of Families of Military Personnel Participating in Peacekeeping Activities

Journal Title: International Journal of Education and Science - Year 2019, Vol 2, Issue 1


Background and Aim of Study: Psychoanalysis is one of the forms of the psychotherapy, aimed to help clients to understand their unconscious feelings that is directly effect to their current behavior, thought and emotions. The aim of the study: to substantiate ways of using methods of psychoanalysis in the psychological support of families of military personnel participating in peacekeeping activities. Materials and Methods: In the study, the following general scientific methods has been used: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. Participants – mothers/wives of military personnel who is taking part in peacekeeping mission is one of the objects that have necessity to psychologically support to reduce their stress, their perception to stressors, its social-psychological implications and focusing on creating possible mechanisms of decreasing their stress level by making social identification as central through psychoanalytical approach. Results: Although the peacekeeping mission has effected positively to military personnel, studies have found that there are negative effects from the operations to military personnel’s family members. Deeply analyzing these influences, the study shows the importance of psychological support for family members in all stages of military deployment, in particular, psychological support is a crucial for individuals who have a feeling of anxiety and sadness due to separation and loss. That means, separation and loss are significant influential variables, which related to their well-being considerably. Accentuating the psychoanalytic approach and using of Fairbairn’s psychoanalytic interview about an attachment may not only an opportunity to understand the client’s issue, but it is an active social interaction that is related to stress buffering. It was proved, Fairbairn’s psychoanalytic model is one of the possibilities to specify which ego structures are overdeveloped and which are underdeveloped, because of the type of family backgrounds. Conclusions: Despite the controversial views about the study of psychoanalysis as a science, psychoanalysis technique based social psychological integrative study could bring new effects on the development of psychology.

Authors and Affiliations

Ainash Esengeldievna Issimova


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  • EP ID EP600918
  • DOI 10.26697/ijes.2019.1.05
  • Views 142
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How To Cite

Ainash Esengeldievna Issimova (2019). Methods of Psychoanalysis in the Psychological Support of Families of Military Personnel Participating in Peacekeeping Activities. International Journal of Education and Science, 2(1), 35-40.