
У статті досліджено методичні аспекти формування конкурентоспроможності продукції. Побудовано концептуальну модель та механізм оцінки конкурентоспроможності продукції, складено систему параметрів та факторів її формування. Розглянуто методику обґрунтування та економіко-математичну модель оптимізації рівня конкурентоспроможності продукції. There is a need in the current market conditions for development of the concept of evaluation, management and improvement the competiveness level and search approaches that include market factors with using of the integrated marketing and information communications, reorientation of the administrative levers to the organizational-economic management methods, flexible system of standardization and certification of products. Economic entities faces a huge number of internal and external problems such as: market vulnerability for low-quality products invasion; non-use of the STP achievements; inefficiency of competitive strategy and innovation policy, marketing of technologies and customer service; irrational combination of tactical and strategic objectives; lack of information about new markets; low level of cooperation and integration; competitive pressure etc. Problem of production competiveness is the object of many scientific researches by the domestic (such as G.L. Azoev, G.L. Bagiev, I.V. Maksimova, R.E. Mansurov, R.A. Fatkhutdinov and others) and foreign scientists (such as I. Ansoff, P. Dixon, F. Kotler, J.J. Lamben, M. Porter and others). However, there are not fully studied problem of formation the concepts and complex system of evaluation, management and improvement the competiveness level of production as integrated system that arises in the development of competitive strategy, diagnostics of its development and methodological aspects of the research, development of implementation mechanisms with the help of economic-mathematical modeling. Product competiveness can be defined as a complex characteristic that determines market advantages compared to similar competing products both in the extent to specific public needs and in costs of its satisfaction, which enables implementation of this product at a particular time on particular market. Product competiveness is due to quality and cost characteristics, which are accounted by the customers according to their immediate relevance to the products. Achievement of the high-level product competiveness is possible at the intersection of three components - competitive products, competitive technologies and methods of production and management process, as well as competitive personnel, which determines the character of the enterprise activity in the product competiveness management. Because excessive improvement of product competiveness may be disadvantageous in terms of getting the maximum profit, there is a problem of determining its optimal level and development of the innovative potential management system and its economic stability, which can be attributed to the most important missions of product competiveness ensuring. The methodical formation aspects of product competiveness are researched in the article. The conceptual model and mechanism for the product competiveness evaluation was built. The system of parameters and factors of product competiveness was complied. The method of study and economic-mathematical model for the optimization of product competiveness level was considered.

Authors and Affiliations

K. Aleksych


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K. Aleksych (2016). МЕТОДИЧНІ АСПЕКТИ ФОРМУВАННЯ КОНКУРЕНТОСПРОМОЖНОСТІ ПРОДУКЦІЇ ЯК ОСНОВНОГО ВАЖЕЛЮ ЕФЕКТИВНОГО УПРАВЛІННЯ ДІЯЛЬНІСТЮ СУБ’ЄКТІВ ГОСПОДАРЮВАННЯ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 6(12), 16-26. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-426663