
У статті подано комплексний аналіз поняття «лінгвокультурний концепт» та запропоновано визначення концепту з позицій лінгвокультурології. Проаналізовано типову структуру лінгвокультурного концепту, що містить такі складові, як: образна, понятійна, що включає в себе етимологічну й історичну, та ціннісна, яку ми розкладаємо на два аспекти: актуальність і оцінність. Застосовано методи дослідження американського лінгвокультурного концепту FAMILY. У статті наведено засоби мовної репрезентації досліджуваного концепту в англійській мові. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the term «linguistic-cultural concept» and proposes the definition of the concept from the standpoint of linguoculture. The study of any linguistic-cultural concept as a unit of the world's linguistic picture represents the value for identifying the specifics of culture and the worldview of a specific linguistic and cultural community. Nevertheless, there are concepts that have a special significance in the cognitive space of a particular linguistic community. The choice of the linguistic-cultural concept FAMILY for our study is conditioned by the importance of studying American linguistic culture and the lack of the works devoted to the study of this concept. The linguocultural approach to understanding the concept lies in the fact that the concept is recognized as the basic unit of culture. Under the concept, we understand the mental model of ideal objects, the category of vision of the world, which becomes the «creator», and the product of a figurative model of the world, national-cultural mentality. The concept acquires the status of a linguistic-cultural element, provided that it is of cultural or national concern, as well as of the distinct value component in its structure. The typical structure of the linguistic-cultural concept is analyzed. The structure is explained as the one that contains such components as: figurative, notional, including etymological and historical aspects which we divide into two categories: relevance and axiology. The relevance category is expressed in the number of linguistic units that are means of representing this concept. With regard to the category of axiology, its characteristic is based on the construction of the associative field of the word-name of the concept, that is, the totality of associatives by the word-stimulus. The methods of researching the American linguistic-cultural concept FAMILY have been applied. The study of the concept can be done in a way of a consistent description of each component of its structure, with the first stage being the justification of the name of the concept – the choice of the main token, which most often manifests the concept in the language. The criteria for its selection may be the frequency of use in the language, sufficient abstraction in the language, universality, etc. The article presents the means of the linguistic representation of the studied concept in the English language. Due to its cultural marking, the linguistic-cultural concept is the basic unit of the representation of culture in the language. Considering such key linguistic concepts as FAMILY allows us to understand the culture of a particular language community better.

Authors and Affiliations

Oksana Skobnikova


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How To Cite

Oksana Skobnikova (2018). МЕТОДИКА АНАЛІЗУ ЛІНГВОКУЛЬТУРНОГО КОНЦЕПТУ (НА ПРИКЛАДІ КОНЦЕПТУ FAMILY). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(18), 286-293. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-514636