Metodyka postępowania przy wprowadzaniu poziomowanej produkcji

Journal Title: Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3


This article presents an original methodology of implementation of repeatable production plan. After analyzing the available literature, both Polish and world, and their own thoughts, it was found that the available methods of implementation production leveling are imprecise or difficult to implement in real conditions. Accordingly, an attempt was made creation of such to the methodology that would be simple to implement the in enterprises. The methodology consists of six steps procedure. The first step is to choose products which will be implemented leveled production. For this purpose uses a sieve Glenday. Sieve Glenday allows it to designate products made of “green group” that is, those that are most commonly sold. The next step is the division of products families, according to the similarity criterion of technological products. For this purpose uses matrix similarity technological products. The third step is the analysis of customer orders for products from the “green group”. For this purpose to be determined the average weekly sales of products. Then, on the basis of the forecast is calculated weekly forecast accuracy. This step is particularly important to the company so far has proven demand fluctuations and verifiability forecasts. The fourth step is to determine the frequency of repetitions production products. This is done using EPEI gauge, which informs how often it is possible to produce the next sequence products.. The next step is determining the volume of stocks: cycle, buffer, safety in the warehouse of finished products. In the production leveling it said that the store is called. Supermarket different from the traditional magazine primarily that is always retained FIFO. The last step is to create reproducible production plan. To check the leveling of production to be determined gauges the effectiveness of the leveling of production, for example volume of stocks, production capacity, etc. Evaluation of effectiveness of the leveling of production is particularly important because it helps determine whether production leveling brought the desired effect or not. Presented in the article the methodology is under development. The next step of the work will attempt to test the methodology in real conditions in the enterprise.

Authors and Affiliations

P. Rewers, A. Hamrol, K. Żywicki


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How To Cite

P. Rewers, A. Hamrol, K. Żywicki (2016). Metodyka postępowania przy wprowadzaniu poziomowanej produkcji. Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem, 0(3), 22-30.