This article presents an introductory part of my lecture Russian culture and civilization in the Slavic and world context. An information about presumable themes for the XVI International congress of the Slavic scholars...
The paper considers the function of the lexicon with modal meaning (verbs and predicative words), which expresses various shades of the „situational” modality (possibility, obligation, volition) and develops the subjecti...
Польская тема в поэме А. Блока "Возмедие"
Запад - Восток в художественном coзнании А. С. Пушкина
O pierwszych polskich przekładach "Córki kapitana" Aleksandra Puszkina
U źródeł cyrylickiego piśmiennictwa południowosłowiańskiego oraz jego percepcji na gruncie wschodniosłowiańskim i polskim
This article presents an introductory part of my lecture Russian culture and civilization in the Slavic and world context. An information about presumable themes for the XVI International congress of the Slavic scholars...
Текстовая функция модальной лексики (на материале прозаических произведений Чехова)
The paper considers the function of the lexicon with modal meaning (verbs and predicative words), which expresses various shades of the „situational” modality (possibility, obligation, volition) and develops the subjecti...