Micro Agent and Neural Network based Model for Data Error Detection in a Real Time Data Stream


In this paper, we present a model for learning and detecting the presence of data type errors in a real time big data stream processing context. The proposed approach is based on a collection of micro-agents. Each micro-agent is trained to detect a specific type of error using an atomic neural network based on a sample multilayer perceptron. The supervised learning process is based on a binary classifier where the training data inputs are represented by data types and data values. The Micro-Agent for Error Detection (MAED) is deployed at several instances depending on the number of error types to be handled. The orchestration mechanism of data streams to be examined is performed by a special Host Micro Agent (HMA). This later receives in real time a data stream, splits the current record into several elementary fields. Each field value is streamed to an instance of MAED Agent which responds with a signal of presence or not of a specific data type error of the corresponding data field. For each detected data type error, the HMA Agent selects and performs the appropriate cleaning algorithm from a repository to correct the present errors of the data stream. To validate this approach, we propose an implementation based on Framework Deep Learning 4j for the Machines Learning part and JADE as a Multi Agent System (MAS) platform. The used dataset is generated by an events generator for smart highways.

Authors and Affiliations

Sidi Mohamed Snineh, Mohamed Youssfi, Abdelaziz Daaif, Omar Bouattane


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  • EP ID EP611252
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0100725
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How To Cite

Sidi Mohamed Snineh, Mohamed Youssfi, Abdelaziz Daaif, Omar Bouattane (2019). Micro Agent and Neural Network based Model for Data Error Detection in a Real Time Data Stream. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 10(7), 171-177. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-611252