Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 1
The modern agricultural production requires transition to resource-ecological safety technologies which will contribute to recovery of biodiversity, reproduction of the soil fertility, improvement of the ecological state as a whole. As a way to solve these issues, it is proposed to reduce the mechanical load on the soil, which is the basis for the development of new technologies. The activity of the soil microbiota is sensitive to the changes in the anthropogenic load and therefore it could be used as an additional biodiagnostic indicator for assessment of the ecological condition of the soils. The purpose of our research was to define the changes in the microbiological activity of the typical chernozem using different tillage methods. The microbiological activity was calculated based on the enzyme activity (dehydrogenase, invertase) and cellulose destroying, nitrification and ammonification abilities of soil. When applying tillage minimization and zero tillage methods, the increase of the level of the dehydrogenase activity in 1,25; 1,6; 1,4 times respectively was observed in comparison with plowing. In general, after harvesting a decrease was observed in the activity of dehydrogenase at all the methods and at some of them by 51 % in comparison with the period of culture growth. Significant fluctuations of the invertase activity between tillage methods were not identified. The ammonification ability during the growing season was better at the method with cultivation. After the period of the active vegetation, the level of the ammonification ability decreases by 1,5 - 2,0 times. The highest nitrification ability was observed in the root zone for the method with cultivation, for plowing (the root zone) was 16% lower, for No-till and disking methods 33% and 48% respectively. Studying of the intensity of the cellulose decomposition allows to define the rate of decomposition of the plant residues, where a significant amount of fiber s concentrated. The cellulolytic activity of the winter rye during the growing season increased for methods with the cultivation and zero tillage. For all the methods after harvesting the winter rye, the increase of cellulolytic activity of the typical chernozem was determined both in the root zone and in the row middle, what is to be explained by the arrival of the plant residues to the soil. No significant difference between the methods is observed after harvesting. In order to describe the intensity and targeting of the microbiological processes in the soil as a whole, an integrated indicator of biological activity (IIBA) was calculated based on the received data of the enzymatic activity, and ammonification, nitrification, cellulose destroying capacity of the soil. In terms of integrated indicator of biological activity the best method was the one using plowing, this index was slightly lower for No-till method. When using the zero tillage, no violent fluctuations between the periods of soil selection are not observed, that is why a high activity and a stable functioning of the soil microbial cenosis during the growing season can be claimed.
Authors and Affiliations
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