Miejsca święte a współczesna sztuka sakralna. Problem właściwej organizacji przestrzeni kultu liturgicznego w ustawodawstwie kościelnym po Soborze Watykańskim II

Journal Title: Studia Ełckie - Year 2019, Vol 21, Issue 2


The understanding and organization of a place of religious cult in the Catholic Church has evolved over time. With respect for the centuries-old tradition of the Church, as well as considering local culture and local liturgical rites, existing law regarding sacred places has been constituted. The above analysis presents two areas in regard to the process of reforming sacred space – organization and legibility of ceremony, and emphasizing beauty which is a constitutive element of the liturgy. Regardless of official guidelines, buildings of low artistic value, and those that are inappropriate or unsuitable for celebrating liturgy and other holy rites are still being built. This phenomenon is influenced by a number of factors, primarily the lack of architects who have sufficient knowledge of canon law, inadequate supervision of persons responsible for religious art over determining best projects and their realisation, and the lack of funding available for building places of cult having impressive artistic value.

Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Ćwikliński


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  • EP ID EP599219
  • DOI 10.32090/SE.210208
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How To Cite

Grzegorz Ćwikliński (2019). Miejsca święte a współczesna sztuka sakralna. Problem właściwej organizacji przestrzeni kultu liturgicznego w ustawodawstwie kościelnym po Soborze Watykańskim II. Studia Ełckie, 21(2), 197-210. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-599219