Miejsce filozofii w refleksji nad polityką
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia - Year 2009, Vol 34, Issue
The various disciplines of humanities have many standpoints concerning politics. Political philosophy is one of them. My article not only tries to define political philosophy but it also presents the basic distinction between political science and political philosophy as well as shows how important to is be aware of this distinction. The second issue of the article is the presentation of the two types of understanding the aim of political philosophy. The first group of thinkers recognizes political problems as traditional philosophical problems. They treat political philosophy as the area of ethical and metaphysical truth. Be- cause of this, inside the political activity (theoretical and practical), they used to search “the one and only true” or “the absolute rights”. Afterwards they looked for the ways of executing these factors. The second group of philosophers disagrees with the abovementioned group. This group sees that it is necessary to consider the complex problems of human activities in a flexible way. They try to show the extraordinary position of political philosophy and its specific ethical connection. Some of them warn against “the one and only truth” in political activities.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Frączek
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