Miejska wyspa ciepła w Warszawie – próba oceny z wykorzystaniem Local Climate Zones (Urban heat island in Warsaw – an attempt at assessment with the use of Local Climate Zones method)

Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2016, Vol 104, Issue


The analysis of the urban heat island (UHI) in Warsaw over the years 2011–2012 has been conducted on the basis of the monitoring network of thermal conditions in the Warsaw metropolitan area operated by IGSO PAS. It comprises 28 stations complemented by 1 station of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. The main objective of the paper is to attempt to analyse the intensity of UHI in Warsaw with the use of the Local Climate Zones method. The yearly average UHI intensity in the city centre is 2.5C (LCZ compact midrise), within the open high-rise it varies from 1.2C to 1.7C (LCZ 4), within the open midrise it deviates from 0.6C to 1.7C (LCZ 5). Sparsely built areas in the suburbs are usu-ally cooler than the reference station. The intensity of UHI depends strongly on the distance from the city centre, which determines also the type and density of buildings

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Kuchcik, Paweł Milewski


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How To Cite

Magdalena Kuchcik, Paweł Milewski (2016). Miejska wyspa ciepła w Warszawie – próba oceny z wykorzystaniem Local Climate Zones (Urban heat island in Warsaw – an attempt at assessment with the use of Local Climate Zones method). Acta Geographica Lodziensia, 104(), 21-33. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-200571