
Стаття присвячена міграційній кризі в сучасній Європі, зокрема у Франції. Розглянуто причини, що зумовили цю проблему, дії французької влади по її вирішенню. А також можливі наслідки міграційної кризи для країни і всього французького народу. The article is devoted to the migration crisis in modern Europe, in particular in France. The reasons that caused this problem, the actions of the French authorities to solve it is considered. And also the possible consequences of the migration crisis for the country and the entire French people. The migration crisis has led to an increase in social tension in society, changes in the political Olympus. It has led to the emergence and strengthening of right-wing parties in parliaments of key European powers (for example, “Alternative to Germany”), Islamization of Europe. And this problem has become one of the main reasons for the Brexit. The consequences of the migration crisis hit all European countries, including France. The country where the problem with migrants was important in the sociopolitical life of society. France has adopted in its territory the largest number of foreigners in the history of immigration to Europe. In the early 2000s, the French government decided to cut off access channels and cut sharply the total number of migrants in the country. The presence of a million representatives of Muslim migrants led to the fact that France became the country where the processes of Islamization take place very quickly. The rise of illegal migration faced by France has led to a sharp escalation of the security issue. This has created favorable conditions for terrorists and their activities. With the increase in the number of migrants, terrorist acts have increased in Europe. Numerous terrorist attacks in France shocked the whole of Europe. France became the country in whose territory the largest number of terrorist acts was committed. In recent years, crime has also increased, the streets of many European cities became dangerous during the dark times of the day.

Authors and Affiliations

Nina Gavrylova, Maryna Chinyakova


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Nina Gavrylova, Maryna Chinyakova (2017). МІГРАЦІЙНА КРИЗА В ЄС ТА ЇЇ НАСЛІДКИ ДЛЯ ФРАНЦІЇ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(19), 110-115. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429549