Migration Policy and Radicalization of Russian Federation as Potential Threat to Regional Security
Journal Title: Chorzowskie Studia Polityczne - Year 2018, Vol 15, Issue
In the migration policy of the Russian Federation, issues such as the problem of refugees, resettlement, statelessness, the need to adjust the state’s asylum policy and preparing infrastructure for refugee groups are essential. Repatriation projects are also related to the concept of the Russian Federation in the field of migration policy in accordance with the level of authority of compatriots living abroad. Moreover, for the needs of economic, political and ideological reintegration projects, Russia accepts all the former citizens of the USSR and their descendants as a Russian diaspora. This, in consequence, brings chaos in the process of determining the status of migrants and hinders the management of migration projects, in particular, the elements devoted to the animation of repatriation processes. This is where the migration policy of the Russian Federation loses its pragmatical character and, despite the advanced modernisation processes, is anachronistic and intensely politicised. The clash of views on the future of Russia is disguised under the facade of heated political debates over the prospects of immigration and migration policy. Proponents of immigration – liberals and pragmatists – focus on the long-term economic, demographic and political interests of the country. As the population of Russia decreases by 700,000 each year, immigration can play a vital role in balancing the shortage of the working-age Russians, maintaining the potential for economic development, supporting the stability of individual regions and guaranteeing national security. One of the ways to improve the population number of the Russian Federation could be to naturalise the representatives of Muslim communities. However, a large number of fighters are Muslims originating from the North Caucasus which is the source of the repeated negative discourse in Russia that has been developing since the nineties. Many Russians now associate the North Caucasus Muslim populations with extremism and terrorism. This perception is not entirely unjustified: the North Caucasus region has been plagued by war, terror and brutal state repression for over two decades.
Authors and Affiliations
Justyna Olędzka, Magdalena El Ghamari
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