The community of Ukrainian origin in Warmia and Mazury is not often the object of research due to the fact that it is strongly involved in ideology and politics, which makes it difficult to draw a boundary between propag...
The cycle of novels The Red Wheel, one of the most significant and yet least-known works of
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, offers a profound insight into the issue of national identity and relationships
between Poles and Russian...
100-th anniversary of Lesia Ukrainka’s death (1871-1913), which is the great Ukrainian
poet, writer and author of poetical drams, was celebrated on 1 August 2013. Her literary works are
the objects of research in Polish...
The present article contains a trial of setting in order, terms connected with world’s representation notion for example: language, cultural, ethnical or conceptual world’s view notion, conceptosphere, but are also defin...
Społeczność pochodzenia ukraińskiego a Warmii i Mazurach po 1947 roku. Jej wpływ na rozwój kulturalny regionu północno-wschodniej Polski
The community of Ukrainian origin in Warmia and Mazury is not often the object of research due to the fact that it is strongly involved in ideology and politics, which makes it difficult to draw a boundary between propag...
Obcy i swoi. Polacy w cyklu Czerwone Koło Aleksandra Sołżenicyna
The cycle of novels The Red Wheel, one of the most significant and yet least-known works of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, offers a profound insight into the issue of national identity and relationships between Poles and Russian...
Дослідження творчості Лесі Украінкі в Польщі: вибрані сторінки icтopii (3 нагоди 100-оі річниці письменниці)
100-th anniversary of Lesia Ukrainka’s death (1871-1913), which is the great Ukrainian poet, writer and author of poetical drams, was celebrated on 1 August 2013. Her literary works are the objects of research in Polish...
"Semantyka przestrzenna polskich przyimków prefigowanych na tle rosyjskim", Czesław Lachur, Opole 1999
Концептная, культурная, этническая, национальная, языковая картины мира - к вопросу о соотношении понятий
The present article contains a trial of setting in order, terms connected with world’s representation notion for example: language, cultural, ethnical or conceptual world’s view notion, conceptosphere, but are also defin...