The aim of this paper is to compare and discuss, direct and indirect, intertextual references
to Andrzej Platonov’s The Foundation Pit in The East of Andrzej Stasiuk. A. Stasiuk’s novel is an
attempt of self-discovery, f...
The paper is based on memories of Wladyslaw Chodasiewicz’s wife - Nina Bierbierowa, which are good source for researching of the poetry and the personality of the poet. This source seems to be very different from the pro...
Maximilian Kirienko-Voloshin (known as Maximilian Voloshin), a Russian poet and painter, was a colourful, maverick person; it is not possible to assess him unequivocally. He made a strong impression on people around him,...
EP ID EP646947
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How To Cite
Larysa Pisarek (2000). "Semantyka przestrzenna polskich przyimków prefigowanych na tle rosyjskim", Czesław Lachur, Opole 1999. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Polski Wykop, czyli Wschód Andrzeja Stasiuka
The aim of this paper is to compare and discuss, direct and indirect, intertextual references to Andrzej Platonov’s The Foundation Pit in The East of Andrzej Stasiuk. A. Stasiuk’s novel is an attempt of self-discovery, f...
Карл Аппель и Казанская лингвистическая школа
„Арион эмиграции” Владислав Ходасевич в воспоминаниях Нины Берберовой Куpсив мой
The paper is based on memories of Wladyslaw Chodasiewicz’s wife - Nina Bierbierowa, which are good source for researching of the poetry and the personality of the poet. This source seems to be very different from the pro...
Problematyka słowiańska na łamach pisma "Rusałka" (1838-1842)
„Płótno, piołun, sandały...”. Maksymilian Wołoszyn we wspomnieniach
Maximilian Kirienko-Voloshin (known as Maximilian Voloshin), a Russian poet and painter, was a colourful, maverick person; it is not possible to assess him unequivocally. He made a strong impression on people around him,...