Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2015, Vol 20, Issue 1


Man-made soil pits are one of the most common and most ecologically dangerous categories of anthropogenic soils. In developing the granite quarries occurring harmful substances into the atmosphere as a result of drilling, blasting performance of mining and transport. With a large number of evaluation methods of the natural environment under human impact, using indicators mikrobiotsenozu of soil is one bioindication methods and allows more comprehensively assess the human impact on soil. The aim of research was to study the ecological state of soil under posttehnohennyh and man-made landscapes of the basin Mokra Moskovka (one of the small rivers Zaporozhye region). It was studied in 2 spots of the landscape near the village Natalivka Vilnyanskiy district of Zaporozhye region (flooded quarry) and 2 spots of landscape in a suburb of Zaporozhye (active stone quarry Mokryanske number 2). Control – ground floodplain Moskovka under wet meadow vegetation. Analysis of the value of ecological and trophic groups of bacteria showed that the number of background soils ammonifiers exceeded in 2,5–8,4 times the performance of man- made areas. However, the number of bacteria that utilize inorganic forms of nitrogen in soils of anthropogenic areas exceeded in 2,1–5,5 times oligotrophes – in 4,5–5,6, olygonitrophylis in 3,7–30,0 times background rates of soil. It was note the trend decline micromycetes on the background growth of bacterial microorganisms and actinomycetes, which is quite a natural phenomenon of technological areas. So, if the number of micromycetes in control samples was 35,6% of total microflora, the anthropogenic soils had only 2,8–7,3%. Odds of the mineralization-immobilization, olihotrofes and pedotrofes of soil into changed areas exceeded the indicators of background, which testifies to their unsatisfactory environmental condition. The maximum value of microbiological indicators of soil were for spots that are located closest to the place of work and made fireworks 25,67, 0,86 and 1,86 respectively. Thus, human impacts on soils of the basin Mokra Moskovka affected the decrease compared with background soil strength organotrofy and fungi, and increase the number of microorganisms dispersion, indicating the activation process of mineralization and slow process soilcreation. Изучалось влияние техногенных факторов на формирование микробных комплексов в экосистемах посттехногенных и техногенных почв долины р. Мокрая Московка. Установлено, что техногенные нагрузки на почвы сказались на уменьшении в микробоценозах численности органотрофов и микромицетов и увеличении численности микрофлоры рассеивания, что свидетельствует об активизации процессов минерализации и замедлении процессов гумусообразования. Коэффициенты минерализации-иммобилизации, олиготрофности и педотрофности почв техногенных территорий превышали показатели фоновых и посттехногенных почв, что свидетельствует об их неблагоприятном экологическом состоянии.

Authors and Affiliations

Н. І. Костюченко N. I. Kostyuchenko


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How To Cite

Н. І. Костюченко N. I. Kostyuchenko (2015). МІКРОБНІ КОМПЛЕКСИ ТЕХНОГЕННИХ ГРУНТІВ ЯК ПОКАЗНИК ЕКОЛОГІЧНОГО СТАНУ БАСЕЙНУ РІЧКИ МОКРА МОСКОВКА (ЗАПОРІЗЬКА ОБЛАСТЬ). Питання біоіндикації та екології, 20(1), 116-125. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-320670