Milcząca zgoda administracji – wnioski de lege ferenda

Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2015, Vol 45, Issue 1


Silent adjudication of administration – conclusions de lege ferenda: The purpose of the opinion is to examine the ability to adapt the institution of so-called „legal silence” into the Code of Administrative Procedure. In a number of polish laws the legislator combined with the inaction of administration different legal consequences. This specific regulations are very various. It cause a series of doubts both on a theoretical and practical plane and arise questions on searching an antidote to undesirable inaction of administration. General clause of fiction of positive or negative adjudication in administrative cases is used in several legal administrative system such as French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese or German.

Authors and Affiliations

Zofia Snażyk


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How To Cite

Zofia Snażyk (2015). Milcząca zgoda administracji – wnioski de lege ferenda. Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych, 45(1), 9-37.