Mining Interesting Positive and Negative Association Rule Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm (MIPNAR_GA)
Journal Title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications - Year 2014, Vol 5, Issue 1
Association Rule mining is very efficient technique for finding strong relation between correlated data. The correlation of data gives meaning full extraction process. For the mining of positive and negative rules, a variety of algorithms are used such as Apriori algorithm and tree based algorithm. A number of algorithms are wonder performance but produce large number of negative association rule and also suffered from multi-scan problem. The idea of this paper is to eliminate these problems and reduce large number of negative rules. Hence we proposed an improved approach to mine interesting positive and negative rules based on genetic and MLMS algorithm. In this method we used a multi-level multiple support of data table as 0 and 1. The divided process reduces the scanning time of database. The proposed algorithm is a combination of MLMS and genetic algorithm. This paper proposed a new algorithm (MIPNAR_GA) for mining interesting positive and negative rule from frequent and infrequent pattern sets. The algorithm is accomplished in to three phases: a).Extract frequent and infrequent pattern sets by using apriori method b).Efficiently generate positive and negative rule. c).Prune redundant rule by applying interesting measures. The process of rule optimization is performed by genetic algorithm and for evaluation of algorithm conducted the real world dataset such as heart disease data and some standard data used from UCI machine learning repository.
Authors and Affiliations
Nikky Rai, Susheel Jain, Anurag Jain
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