Мінливість морфологічних характеристик плодів і насіння сортів Actinidia аrguta / The variability of the morphological characteristics of fruit s and seeds of Actinidia аrguta


The evaluation of the source materials, the determination of the optimal selection direction for the purpose of selection and the identification of selectively valuable genotypes may be effectively carried out on the basis of the analysis of phenotypic variability with the use of systems analysis methods and evaluated by a complex of correlating features. An indicator of variability is assumed to be the coefficient of variability, which makes possible to compare the variation of parameters of different dimensions and nature. The most promising source materials can be cultivars, which were produced by domestic breeders and are adapted to local climatic conditions and have high resistant. The A. arguta gene pool of NBG is represented by forms, which were grown from wildtype seeds, artificially-created hybrid forms (A. arguta x A. arguta var. purpurea) and (A. arguta var. purpurea x A. arguta), varieties of domestic and foreign breeding. The cultivars of A. arguta of NBG selection differ very much in terms of economic and valuable features – the terms of reaching, the coloring of berries, the contents of biologically active substance and taste properties. An important characteristic of the cultivar is the average weight of the fruit, which varies in the range of 6,0 g (Sentyabrskaya) to 17,7 g (Kyivska Krypnoplidna) for the investigated samples. Analysis of the statistical processing data showed that within the variety, the coefficient of variation of the weight of the fruits varies from 8,7 % (Krasunya) to 23,3 % (Originalna). The highest level of variability, which corresponds to the average on the variability scale have Kyivska Krypnoplidna, Karavaevskaya urozhayna, Nadiia, Originalna, which confirm the promising use of these cultivars for breeding. The coefficient of variation of the parameters of length and width of the fruits for all experimental samples was in the range from 4,5 to 10 %, which corresponds to very low and low level of variability and indicates a slight variation of these characteristics. A positive correlation between the individual biometric parameters of the fruits and seeds was found, which would promote the efficiency of breeding work with this culture.

Authors and Affiliations

N. V. Skrypchenko, V. Knysh, O. Bezpal’ko


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N. V. Skrypchenko, V. Knysh, O. Bezpal’ko (2018). Мінливість морфологічних характеристик плодів і насіння сортів Actinidia аrguta / The variability of the morphological characteristics of fruit s and seeds of Actinidia аrguta. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 46-52. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-561564