Вплив строків сівби і норм висіву на забур’яненість і продуктивність агрофітоценозу ячменю озимого / Influence of sowing time and seeding rate on the weeding and winter barley agrophytocenosis productivity
Journal Title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
The article presents the autumn season growth characteristics of winter barley under Polissya conditions depending on sowing time and seeding rate. The years of investigation have proved that the crops of the first sowing time (September 10) after growing season have the highest growth and development indicators in contrast to crops of the next sowing time. It was investigated that after stopping the autumn growing season the mass of aboveground and underground parts of 100 winter barley plants sown in optimal time (September 20) was 5,1 and 12,5 times higher in comparison with the plants of later date sowing (October 10) respectively. The results of the research indicate that the terms of sowing and the rules for winter barley sowing are important elements of the technology of cultivation. The level of presence of weeds in agrocenosis of winter barley and grain yield can be regulated by the timing of sowing and optimal seeding rates. After the restoration of the vegetation in the spring for the first sowing date (September 10), the inflorescence of winter barley crops was at 622–663 pcs./m2. The predominant species of weeds in agrophytocenoses of winter barley were Capsella bursa-pastoris L., Viola tricolor L., Tripleurospermum inodorum L., Centaurea cyanus L. and Apera spica venti L. The winter barley sowing on later than optimal date (October 10) leads to an increase in the weed-infested crops at the end of growing season in 1,4–1,5 times. The increase of seeding rate by 0,5–1,0 million of germinable seeds per hectare ensures the decrease of weeds by 6–20 %. The winter barley showed the highest grain yield (3,60–3,67 t/ha) when sown on September 20at, which was 16–20 % higher than in winter barley sown on October 10. Improvement of ecological conditions of plant growth and development, the decrease of agrophytocenosis weediness and productivity of winter barley under conditions of Ukrainian Polissya provides the sowing before the optimal date (September 10–20).
Authors and Affiliations
V. Tkachuk, T. Tymoshchuk, Natalia Grytsyuk, A. Kotelnytska
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