Mityczna obecność Adama Mickiewicza w twórczości Tadeusza Konwickiego


The author tries to define the principle according to which tropes found in works and aspects of Adam Mickiewicz’s biography exist in Tadeusz Konwicki’s novels and films. The author of the paper claims that the figure of the great 19th century poet, the various “legends” associated with him, and universally accepted interpretations of his works, have attained the status of a myth in the Polish culture, which exists in Polish common awareness as well as in artistic works of Konwicki. The author analyses the presence of Mickiewicz’s motifs and characters in Konwicki’s books and films, using the hermeneutical understanding of interpretation and the structural myth theory as the secondary semiological system, by employing the three narrative tiers: of Roland Barthes’ functions, actions, and narration.

Authors and Affiliations

Miłosz Kłobukowski


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  • EP ID EP331346
  • DOI 10.18318/wiekxix.2016.29
  • Views 95
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How To Cite

Miłosz Kłobukowski (2016). Mityczna obecność Adama Mickiewicza w twórczości Tadeusza Konwickiego. Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza, 0(), 521-547.