Міжнародний геологічний форум “Актуальні проблеми та перспективи розвитку геології: наука й виробництво”
Journal Title: Мінеральні ресурси України - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 4
The article provides information on the Geological Forum, which was held in September 2015 in the city of Odessa (Ukraine). There was attended by scientists and experts, who represented about 30 state and private geological research and mining enterprises and institutions, production companies from other regions of Ukraine. Scientific-practical conferences “Actual problems of geology, forecasting, prospecting and evaluation of deposits of solid minerals” (Geological reading 2015) and “Prospects for the use of alternative and renewable energy sources in Ukraine” (REU-2015) were held as part of the Geological Forum. There were also “round tables” to discuss the problem of formation of investment appeal of objects of mineral resources of Ukraine and the legal framework in the process of reforming the state. The collection of reports describes actual problems that arise in carrying out geological research, exploration and evaluation of deposits of solid minerals, the prospects and possibilities of the use of alternative and renewable energy sources, and theoretical and practical developments in this field. There was adopted the Resolution, which is available on the websites of State Service of Geology and Subsurface of Ukraine and the Ukrainian State Geological Research Institute.
Authors and Affiliations
Олександр Лисенко, Олексій Зур'ян
XXXVII Генеральна Асамблея Асоціації геологічних служб Європи (м. Берн, Швейцарія, 21–24 жовтня 2014 р.)
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