Mobility of cervical spine and postural equilibrium in patients with spinal overload syndrome<br />.
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2007, Vol 9, Issue 2
Introduction. The spinal overload syndrome develops as a result of the gradual wearing away of the structural elements of the spine due to loads exceeding their endurance strength in the setting of reduced adaptability. Aim of study. The aim of the investigation was to study the limitation of mobility in the cervical spine and determine the effect of the spinal overload syndrome on postural equilibrium. Material and methods. The study enrolled 27 patients with signs of overload of the cervical spine. Postural equilibrium was measured by stabilography. Range of motion in the cervical spine was also evaluated. Conclusions. The investigations of spinal mobility indicate a disturbance of muscular equilibrium. Most of the patients suffered from Lewit's upper crossed syndrome. The disturbance of postural equilibrium is of functional origin.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Sipko, Ewa Bieć, Barbara Ciesielska
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