Moc obowiązująca zapisu na sąd polubowny w sytuacji wygaśnięcia, nieważności bądź nieistnienia stosunku prawnego (umowy głównej)
Journal Title: ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 39
The effectiveness of arbitration clause in the event of the expiry, invalidity or non-existence of a legal relationship (the principal contract) The mutual relationship between the principal agreement and the arbitration agreement (arbitration clause) is highly relevant in terms of both international arbitration and the perspective of individual national orders. Shaped for decades, the scope of interdependence between the arbitration clause and the main contract has led to the formation of the socalled “autonomy principle”. Despite minor differences between each and every individual legal system, the autonomy of the arbitration clause is now an internationally recognized standard, which has been explicitly regulated also in the Polish civil procedure. The issue of independent existence of an arbitration clause, including but not limited to determination of the scope of such “autonomy” (“severability”) feature, is the current subject matter of the doctrinal considerations as well as the issue of recent case law.
Authors and Affiliations
Justyna Glinka
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